Citizen journalism

In the course of the project, Kiné Diop centre has been able to improve its performance.
During this period, we have noticed that not only have the participants improved in their use of computers, but that confidence is being built and a group feeling is being created among the women.
It can also be noted that in the second part of the project we will work with internet tools and also make radio programmes to allow them to have other experiences.

To develop the activity of creating a radio programme, each participant will choose a theme after which there will be a collective discussion, from which we will choose 3 themes among all those proposed.
Then we will create 3 working groups to develop their theme and at the same time they will do lessons to learn how to make recordings with radio equipment.
The three themes we will work on are

1.- Children in the street, the section will be called Lissi mdedemi and its aim is to discover one or more problems in the street
2.- Divorce, the section will be called Djigueine ak tolotof diamono and its aim is to raise awareness
3.- Unemployment: the section will be called Jeunesse parlons en (Let's talk about youth) and its aim is to identify the problems of young people and to talk about them

In addition we can say that the Centre Kiné Diop does not limit itself only to technology, it also tries to involve women in different aspects, but it also allows them to go into the field and make other discoveries in order to have their own knowledge, each time our mission is to help women and to create a community of women.

To enter the world of radio, we had the support of DJOmzo and Cire, who explained to us the basics of a radio programme and the techniques of speaking.