Panel: Women’s empowerment and their integration in society

At the end of the month we organized a panel, with women we had chosen as topic Women’s empowerment and their integration in society. So to respect the barriers of the Covid 19 we chose as place of the panel in the courtyard of the centre, which by the intermediation of Mr ABOU LY put it at our disposal. This is why we want to thank him and the rest of the staff for their collaboration with us.

We had as a panelist Marie Helene Ndiaye who is a feminist and activist, she is recently chosen in the women’s academic career program as coordinator of the Invisible Giants project, she is also a councillor at the Dalifort town hall, president of an English club, and one of her objectives is to help women to be autonomous

Ndeye Sy was one of the participants in the first training and now she works as an assistant and took charge of moderating the panel.

After the panel we evaluated the day, some of them were happy because they have never participated in a panel before and some of them decided to fight to be autonomous and to be more integrated in the society.

As one of the participants said so well through the panel she understood that: “society should not take decisions for them”.