Panel: Avantages of women’s empowerment

The idea from the beginning was to have a panel each month. It’s a way of sharing experiences and having local women as reference when thinking about women leadership. So we didn’t want to hold a public event just an event for us. We invited Marie Hélene Ndiaye, she is been supporting the project but also she is a key figure in the neighborhood. She grew up in Dalifort, puso en marcha, the English Club, an space to teach children English language, a big challenge in a place where educational offers are really restricted. Now the English Club turned into English Family and it’s 10 years old, a huge success. Together with this initiative, Marie Helene is working in Africans Rising is a Pan-African movement of people working for an Africa-wide solidarity and unity of purpose of the Peoples of Africa to build the Future we want – a right to peace, social inclusion and shared prosperity.

Marie Hélene talked about why is needed women’s empowerment, you can check the talk on Daf Hip Hop facebook page. It was a very inspiring talk and all women and girls present enjoyed it and their empowerment process continued.