Kiné Diop free technology center kicks off

On Wednesday 12th February 2020 started officially Weesuwul’s third edition.

The goal of the first day was basically to know the women and explain them face to face the project, who is Daf Hip Hop and to introduce ourselves as facilitators of the training. We wanted to know if there were any questions, suggestions from their side.

We also explained that this project takes place just because the group which is carrying it out believes in Dalifort women, in women’s empowerment, in free technologies as a tool to improve their lives and that sharing is a duty so that we can bring change to our localities. Nobody supported the beginning of the project, no local authority, no external organization, though we hope to have their support at some point in order to be able to continue the project in the best possible conditions and also to guarantee its long term.

Since it’s a technology course, the first though may be that we will quickly open the computer start dragging the mouse around, searching where are the applications, writing documents. But it’s not the case, our first session was to ask the women Why are they here, What motivates them, What are their skills, their expectations, their dreams.

We want that Kiné Diop free technology center, called after a recognized mid-wife in Dalifort, becomes a space for dreams, for self-learning, so that dreams can be accomplished while being with others, sharing. For that we need to know us as group, to understand our skills, our expectations and our dreams.

The outcome was amazing, there is a nice diversity of skills, and a whole group that is ready for entrepreneurship, they just need some support to use what technologies provide.

We did together a definition of technology to know what are we talking about 😀

Technology is an applied science, that helps us acquire knowledge to create goods or communication/information.

In addition to know what are the individual skills and expectations, we want to know what are the problems women face, for that reason, we dedicated a session to go over them, we worked in small groups with the following questions:

  • What are your concerns in your everyday life?
  • What are the changes that would improve your life?
  • What prevents change?
  • Do you think that there is equal participation of women and men in society?
  • What are your rights as women?

These brought a nice discussion and awareness of which is the women’s situation.