About the project

The main aim of the project is to create a meeting place for women where they can share their daily problems, interests and desire to learn. During the meetings women’s issues will be documented through small reports and interviews. The information gathered during these workshops will be shared with the local authorities in order to find an initial solution.

During three months there will be training courses on free technologies that will improve women’s knowledge and skills. As result of the learning process a webpage will be created by the women and different information gathered during the project will be published online. All the equipment used for the training will be smartphones and computers, to guarantee that is material that is accessible for the women trained, so they can use it after the end of the project.


Through empowerment workshops, we will learn to know women’s situation.We will discuss how to improve it and why it is important to self-organization. As well as we will enhance the importance of taking an active role in community activity and development and the need of women’s contributions to the search for community-based solutions and alternatives.


Creation of a space for exchange and to try to see, that women’s problems are not individual but collective and that together solutions can be found.

To create a free technology centre managed by and for the women of the community, which will enable them, through training, to improve their personal and economic situation.


It’s time for the protagonists to write their own story. We will use free technologies to immerse ourselves in the story and make it visible.

We will start by telling our story, so we will document the training process, the activities, the citizen participation actions and we will share them on the social networks and on the website.


Free technology offers a learning methodology based on collaboration, cooperation, sharing and learning-by-doing. The DAF HIP-HOP will provide the right learning environment.


Free technology gives us a learning framework and among other things makes possible an economic development model that has made free software more than just “making software”.

Technology is a tool, which allows us to “do things”, so during the training to be able to learn we need content. Having detected that most of the women are entrepreneurs and want to carry out their own business, we decided to incorporate the development of a simplified business plan as part of the training, because we consider that this way we reinforce their entrepreneurship as well as empower them in a starting a process that can improve their lives.


This section will include the biographies of different African women, whose lives have had an impact on the social and political development of their respective countries.