Awarding of certificates for the citizen journalism trainingin at the Kiné Diop Centre

On 27 June, we celebrated the awarding of certificates for the citizen journalism training that took place between February and June 2021.

This year, 14 participants attended the training: Dior Seck, Marieme Badji, Maria Bamay, Fily Nomoko, Antoinette Mendy, Aminata Diop, Alimatou Sadiya Goudiaby, Aminata Thiare, Dienaba Kandé, Ngome Ndiaye, Sokhma Adama Gueye, Maman Soare, Aicha Soare, Adama Seydi.

Salla Diallo,  participante l'année dernière et un assistant du centre Kiné Diop a animé la cérémonie .

The ceremony was hosted by Salla Diallo, a participant in 2020 and an assistant at the centre in 2021. She thanked all the people who supported the centre, especially Ibrahim Ly, president of the Pencum Ndakaru Association, where the training took place.

We remembered Yaye Kiné Diop, after whom we called our centre, and told her story to those present to keep the memory of this great woman who contributed so much to the development of Dalifort and supported the women of the community at all times.

Ouba Gueye  participante l'année dernière à la formation et un assistant du centre Kiné Diop, à été la moderatrice du radio direct fait par les participantes de la formation

We then transformed the space into a radio studio. During the month of June, the participants rehearsed with the association Son&Lumière, to make a live broadcast from the 3 podcasts they created during the training. The moderator was Ouba Gueye, a participant last year and an assistant from the centre this year.

We concluded the ceremony by giving certificates to the participants.

Finally, we presented the project of the Kiné Diop centre related to entrepreneurship, the Kiné Diop patisserie, which was in charge of the cocktail after the ceremony. This project aims to provide financial support to the training centre as well as to create jobs in the Dalifort community.