Creation of the Kine Diop Free Technology Center

The Weesuwul 2020 project was so successful and the women were so happy that we decided to continue and create a long-term project with the following objectives

  • To provide the commune of Dalifort-Foirail with a permanent training centre using open technologies to strengthen the status quo of women.
  • Deepen women’s entrepreneurial knowledge to improve their economic status
  • Promote civic media as a means of expression, information and documentation through capacity building workshops on citizen journalism

The centre will be co-managed by the same women who participated in the first edition, and the aim is for it to be 100% run by them.

The Kine Diop Free Technology Centre aims not only to train women in technological tools, but also to create a learning point in the suburb of Dalifort. That’s why we need to build a community around it, and we want to invite you to be part of that community in the long run.

The course will start soon and we would like you to help us disseminate it, so that we can reach more people, but there are also other ways of support, through donations of materials (office equipment, technical equipment), inviting us to conferences, panels, radio shows to share the experience, translations, and any other way you can think of