Weesuwul 2020

A project to facilitate the socio-professional integration of women and girls through the use of free technology. Dalifort Hip Hop launches a crowdfunding campaign for the setting up of the training centre in free technology Kiné Diop, in Dalifort Foirail (Dakar, Senegal).

Weesuwul is a training project run by Focus Yarakh and FUK’N’KUK, which had two editions: in 2017 with a project on Youth involvement in local development and in 2018 Citizenship and living environment.

In 2020 will be its third edition and Weesuwul wants to contribute to the empowerment of women in the municipality of Dalifort(Dakar, Senegal) and increase their participation in citizenship issues through the use of free technology.

In this edition, the main aim of the project is to create a meeting place for women where they can share their daily problems, interests and desire to learn. During the meetings women’s issues will be documented through small reports and interviews. The information gathered during these workshops will be shared with the local authorities in order to find an initial solution.

During three months there will be training courses on free technologies that will improve women’s knowledge and skills. As result of the learning process a webpage will be created by the women and different information gathered during the project will be published online. All the equipment used for the training will be smartphones and computers, to guarantee that is material that is accessible for the women trained, so they can use it after the end of the project.

As closure a music concert will be organized in the municipality giving priority to the participation of women artists from the municipality of Dalifort.